At we process a large number of cases every single day. Each takedown notice is unique and have their own special issues to make right in order to process correctly and successfully.

Our goal is:

  1. to process every takedown case as fast as possible - because we know you want content taken down quickly
  2. to process the takedown notice at the lowest price - because we know you want to keep your costs as low as possible

Please read this information guide and takedown notice information form carefully. It contains specific information regarding your takedown notice and how your team of Professional Takedown service staff will process your notice. Periodically from time to time as your takedown is progressing specific sections of this guide may be referenced with regards to procedures and additional services and payments.


Our promise to you

  1. we will be open and transparent about our pricing.
  2. we will be open and transparent about our process - you will get notice updates every step of the way.
  3. respect your online privacy, security and digital rights - all communication is conducted through our case system providing the highest level of information security.

Please follow these Instructions:

  1. so you do not have to pay more for your takedown notice and
  2. to ensure your takedown notice is eligible for our 100% money back guarantee

Section 1: Make certain your takedown notice has this information

  1. Content source - your takedown notice must contain a detailed description and / or specific link or URL that references from where your content, that has been reposted without your permission, was copied.
  2. Infringing URL - the website link you want taken down because it contains your content published without permission.this work is not included in the standard takedown notice service
    1. This infringing link(s) must be specific to the page and or URL of specific content on a webpage. It must be similar to this work is not included in the standard takedown notice service
      1. Note ( is not specific for a standard takedown notice unless you are requesting the entire website must be taken down. (see note 2b below).)
    2. If you believe the whole website should be taken offline you will need to list a minimum of 20 URL's or links that are publishing content without your permission. this work is not included in the standard takedown notice service
    3. Make sure to list every infringing URL / link. Takedown service staff cannot guess for you as to what must be taken down. this work is not included in the standard takedown notice service
  3. Multiple Infringing URL's - each and every infringing URL's or webpage link must be matched to the (source of the) original content. Each infringing URL will need to reference a single content source URL or explanation, copyright notice, media (video or image), code etc. There are two fast and easy methods to add multiple URL's to your takedown notice .
    1. Click the green "Add Takedown URLs" button to upload this information directly into your case.
    2. Click the blue Import from Spreadsheet button under the case view tab.
    This work is not included in the standard takedown notice service
    1. the work required to locate and list all the infringing URL's is not included in the standard takedown notice
    2. this work can be completed by Takedown service staff for an additional service fee
    3. if the infringing URL's are listed by Takedown service staff the client (you) must approve the list before Takedown service staff can process the takedown notice.
  4. Documentation - All relevant ownership and legal documentation related to your takedown notice, content theft and content ownership can be uploaded to your case file by clicking the blue "Upload attachment". DO NOT SEND an email to with this documentation unless you have paid for the email option in advance.

Section 2: Standard's Professionally Managed Takedown Service Includes:

  1. Professional Takedown notice review and evaluation all notices will be reviewed, assigned and evaluated for processing.
    1. All takedown notice communication shall be provided through the case comments section of your takedown notice. This is access through Protection Portal
    2. Note: If during the review process your notice requires additional information in order to proceed you will be notified in the case comments section of the takedown notice. You will be provided instructions on what you need to provide the Takedown service staff in order for them to proceed. see FAQ: money back guarantee
  2. 100% Money back guarantee - if we cannot get your content down we give you your money back.
    1. Note: If during the review process your notice cannot meet the conditions required to keep the 100% money back guarantee Takedown service staff will notify you in the case comments section of the takedown notice. Usually you will be given the option to receive your full refund or proceed under different conditions. see FAQ: money back guarantee here:
    2. As per's Term's and Conditions, your rights to a full refund are rescinded if you do not reply by email or case comment to the cases worker's request for information regarding your case within 7 business days of payment for the takedown notice. Further, your notice will be sent as submitted and paid after the seven days and within 30 days of payment.
  3. up to 25 infringing URL's from the same website or domain. To add more URL's to your takedown notice please see: are several exceptions to this rule. Your case worker will advise you of any specifics before proceeding with the notice. Examples are:
    1. certain websites, ISP's or Hosts may have specific rules regarding URL numbers
    2. Enterprise or Extended Service contract clients of may have paid stipulations regarding increased url count where allowed
    3. content type - some content types can have restrictions applied due to legal issues (eg underage content)
  4. Whole website or Content only Standard Takedown notice generally only includes a Takedown Service to get content removed / taken off the internet / website. While often an entire website may be taken down it is not a (guaranteed or offered) part of the standard takedown notice.
      Note: If it is your requirement that the entire website be taken down this must be clearly stated in your takedown notice. Additional services may apply.
  5. One website / domain and one IP address per takedown notice a new takedown notice must be paid if the website owner switches hosting service providers / ISP's, AFTER the ISP or Hosting service has responded to the initial takedown notice and / or advised the website owner and the infringing content has been removed.
    1. up to 6 updates to your takedown notice case by your Professional Takedown service staff. Further takedown notice case responses and engagement may require additional service fees in order to complete.
      1. evaluation and review - updates noted as required
      2. notice sent
      3. response from website
      4. receipt response from Host or ISP
      5. response from website
      6. takedown notice confirmed
    2. up to 3 (and often more) takedown notices sent to the correct website or domain, host, ISP and or CDN
    3. 1 infringing website or domain only one infringing website or domain can be processed per takedown notice. if there are more links / URL's contained in your notice from other domains or websites this will be considered an extra takedown notice and you will need to purchase the additional notice.
    4. several different notice style options depending on the country of the infringing site and content and or the specific policy followed by the website or domain, host, ISP and or CDN
    5. professional, confidential, fully qualified, experience, highly trained case manager - a real person They will be your single point of contact with
    6. fully secure takedown case communication service. You can text chat with with your case manager in complete confidence at any time.
    7. All communication you receive from (emails, texts, chats, voice mail etc.) will never contain your confidential information
    8. Protection Portal login and case management service. Complete secure, password protected account and case management center for you to conduct all your business and communication with in confidence.

    If you have any questions regarding the price of your takedown request by all means click here to Ask a Takedown Question

    Additional Takedown Service Options

    These service options are not required to complete a takedown case. You are NOT required to purchase any of these options. Most often your case manager may recommend them as when and if they could be of help.

    1. Research Very often a client will not have a complete picture of the amount of infringing links of their stolen content on the internet. We are experts at finding content. Research does two things - provides a complete picture of the level of content theft and provide you with peace of mind knowing the whole picture.
    2. Legal Referral Sometimes within the takedown process client's may want to involve legal support. We can help refer you to legal counsel. Simply ask your takedown case manager or client service support staff.
    3. Monitoring Often once a takedown case has been completed clients want us to monitor the infringing website OR the internet as whole for repeated theft of their content. This service is referred to as monitoring. can provide monitoring services for unlimited content on unlimited conditions. Please detail any monitoring requests you may require within your takedown signup form and your case manager will provide a quote
    4. Scanning Either before or after a takedown case has been process scanning of the infringing websites may be required. This scanning process is to make certain we have every URL that should be included in the takedown request.
    5. Case Construction Often clients have difficulty compiling their takedown case completely.'s highly trained and qualified case managers can correctly locate and identify infringing URL's that are located on website or websites that have illegally published your content. On very large sites this process may be a challenge to the uninitiated. We can help.
    6. Translation Some circumstances may require that elements within the takedown notice be translated in order to process the takedown.
    7. Website Administration Fee has found that some sites will charge an "administration fee" to remove content offline. This charge is not normal, part of the process or standard practice. However it does occur most often in jurisdictions outside of the US. If there is a situation where this fee is required you will have the option to pay the cost directly or through


    1. Will I have to pay more than $199? per takedown No. However some cases require more work in order to get the takedown notice processed. This additional work will cost more however it is your choice to pay more in order to proceed
    2. What if I want my money back? We offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you want your money back please follow these instructions before we have started to work
      1. update the takedown notice case comment. As long as the case comment date / time stamp is prior to work conducted on your takedown notice you are eligible for a refund
      2. email with the takedown case number in the subject. as long as the email receipt is date / time stamped prior to work conducted on your takedown notice you are eligible for a refund
      3. Note 1: As per's Term's and Conditions, your rights to a full refund are rescinded if you do not reply by email or case comment to the cases worker's request for information regarding your case within 7 business days of payment for the takedown notice. Further, your notice will be sent as submitted and paid after the seven days and within 30 days of payment.
        Note 2: If you have been attempting to remove content prior to or in conjunction with Professionally Managed services there is no refund if the content has been removed successfully. The Professional work of supersedes any previous takedown work.
        see refund detail here:
    3. How can I pay? PayPal or Credit Card (through Stripe)
    4. Even though I have more domains the price does not change on the form. What do I do? Proceed with completing the takedown form. Add all of your case information. Once a case manager has been assigned to your case the remaining cost of your takedown can be evaluated and your case updated with a final price.

    Code of Conduct staff, management, contractors and vendors all adhere to a strict code of conduct policy. This policy governs the interaction between all people is done so with respect and dignity. This policy extends to our customers. No behaviour deemed to be abusive by staff or management will be tolerated. Any behaviour that is deemed to be offensive or abusive shall be met with instant action to remove any exposure of personnel to an abusive customer.

    Start Your Takedown here:

    Modified: 03/17/2023
    Category: Frequently Asked Question
    By: Mr. DMCA Helper
    FAQ ID:fe2beb2c-794c-4d03-a415-ee859315c442